Beautiful Berlin in Winter – In Photos
When one thinks of winter in Germany, one of the first things to come to mind is, naturally, the Christmas Markets.
What’s not to like? Warm glühwein, delicious guilt-free treats, festive decor and music, and endless shopping possibilities.
But coming from a Nordic country myself, I was glad I got to experience Berlin under (and, well, during) a brand new layer of snow, and feel a bit closer to my home, if only for a few days.
Even though that snow meant I had one of the worst flights of my life flying in the city, and that my feet were wet for most of my time there, I didn’t mind – the spectacle was too gorgeous to complain about anything.

In an attempt to get an opinion for myself about the old West vs East Berlin debate, I walked around quite a bit in both areas, explored many of their hidden corners. And I have come to a conclusion.
I prefer East Berlin.
While West Berlin is by far much prettier, it felt too sanitized, too picture-perfect for my taste. And also, I probably was the only person NOT way ahead in their 60s. I liked the energy of the East, the quirky shops, and the funky cafés. I look forward to seeing more of it in the future.
What to do when it snows in Berlin?

I decided to indulge my inner tourist and buy a ticket for these hop on/hop off tours. I don’t usually go for them because I find them restrictive and generally quite boring but in this weather? It was the best option. I was warm, I was dry, I was entertained in my own language, and because, there wasn’t anybody but me in there, I got the best seat (aka that much coveted front seat on the upper deck!)
One of my favorite neighborhoods in the city is Prenzauler Berg – or, from what I observed, Preggo Town. It seemed as though every woman I walked past by was either holding a baby or expecting one. Not that I minded – it was actually really cute to see these adorable red-cheeked little creatures all bundled up in heavy winter gear, unable to move arms or legs.
And the local scenery was quite lovely too, in fact.